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Simply Teach

Jul 23, 2019

The excitement the new school year brings, especially for a first year teacher, can cause her to work long hours, go up on weekends, and work during breaks. All of those are fun things, but can quickly lead to burn out. Learn some of the signs of working too much (thus leading to burnout!) so you can set healthy...

Jul 16, 2019

An organized classroom is the base for a well managed and functional classroom. In this episode I will share with you how you can unpack your classroom in an organized and methodical way so you can create that positive (and organized!) environment for both you and your students.


Read the full shownotes here:

Jul 9, 2019

This week on the podcast we are talking to all those first year teachers and new student teachers! I am so excited to have Emily on the podcast today who just completed her first year of teaching, so y’all, she knows exactly what new teachers and student teachers need. Tune in for some advice on making the most out of...

Jul 1, 2019

Does the unfamiliarity of a new school year stress you out? Do you feel so overwhelmed with all there is to do a the start of a new year? Are you a first year teacher who doesn't even know where to begin?!? This podcast is for you! Today I will share 10 things you can do right now, in the middle of summer, to prep for...